Exploring the Evolution: History of C++

Tuesday, 6/4/2024, 7 minutes to read

The story of C++ is key in the world of computer programming. It has stood the test of time, staying relevant. Even though new, simpler languages have emerged over time, C++ has remained important.

It’s still strong in areas needing high performance and direct hardware access. This includes fields like embedded systems and finance. These areas rely on C++ for its ability to control details at a low level.

Bjarne Stroustrup played a huge role in its development. He added object-oriented features after playing with Simula’s ideas and seeing C’s power. C++ grew from this work, becoming more than just C with Classes.

Over time, C++ has kept up by adding new features and refining old ones. This has helped it stay a top choice for many developers today. The efforts of the C++ community to update and improve the language have been vital.

Key Takeaways

  • The origins of the C++ programming language trace back to 1979 by Bjarne Stroustrup at AT&T Bell Laboratories.
  • C++ was initially known as „C with Classes,” evolving into the widely recognized C++ in 1983.
  • The ISO C++ Standards Committee standardized C++ with C++98 in 1998, ensuring broad compatibility and consistency.
  • Major versions like C++11, C++14, C++17, and C++20 introduced significant features to keep the language competitive.
  • C++ continues to be integral in industries requiring performance and low-level hardware control, such as embedded systems and finance.

Origins and Early Development of C++

C++ finds its roots in „C with Classes.” This was an expansion of the C language created by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979. He was working at AT&T Bell Labs. Stroustrup wanted to make C better for handling complex simulations. So he added features from the Simula language. This made C more organized and easier to use.

The Birth of C with Classes

The start of „C with Classes” was a key moment in programming history. It was designed to use object-oriented programming. It brought in the idea of classes, inheritance, and more. These changes laid the foundation for what would become C++.

From C with Classes to C++

„C with Classes” became C++ in 1983, marking a major step forward. By 1989, C++ Release 2.0 added more features like multiple inheritance. Then, in 1991’s Release 3.0, they introduced templates for classes and functions. These updates showed how powerful and flexible C++ could be.

The Role of Bjarne Stroustrup

Bjarne Stroustrup was crucial in shaping C++ and its early days. He combined the best of C with the new principles from Simula. Stroustrup pushed for C++ to be formalized and helped make it efficient and easy to use.

His efforts led to the first „C++ Programming Language” book revision in 1986. Then, the Annotated C++ Reference Manual in 1991 set key standards. It introduced things like namespaces and how to handle exceptions. Finally, in 1998, C++ got its official set of rules with C++98. This made C++ more structured and universal.

Year Event
1979 Bjarne Stroustrup invents „C with Classes” at AT&T Bell Labs.
1983 „C with Classes” is officially renamed to C++.
1986 First publication of „The C++ Programming Language” book.
1989 C++ Release 2.0 adds multiple inheritance and type-safe linkage.
1991 C++ Release 3.0 introduces class and function templates.
1991 Annotated C++ Reference Manual introduces namespaces and exception handling.
1998 First international standard for C++, known as C++98.

History of C++

C++ started its journey as a story of creativity and change. It has grown over the years to become crucial in the world of programming. Its journey includes big moments like becoming standardized, which firmly placed it in software development.

The Standardization of C++

Turning point for C++ was in 1989 when work began to standardize it by the ISO. The outcome was C++98, a significant release. This version brought the Standard Template Library (STL), adding power and flexibility to the language. Later updates, including C++11, brought even more advanced features like lambda expressions and support for working with multiple tasks simultaneously. These updates keep C++ relevant and modern.

Evolution Through Major Versions: C++11, C++14, C++17

Since its early days, C++ has seen major updates to keep up with increasing software needs. C++11, for example, brought exciting features such as the ability to work on multiple tasks at once, intelligent moving of data, and new ways to write functions. C++14 came with even more abilities, making code clearer with features like new ways to work with different kinds of data. By the time C++17 arrived, it was a big step forward, introducing new features to the language. Though, some highly expected features like ‘concepts’ were not included, C++17 still provided a lot of important new parts.

Every new version of C++ works on making the language a better fit for today’s software development. These updates help developers create software faster and make it run more efficiently. C++’s changes show a commitment to keeping the language as useful and efficient as possible.

The Impact of C++ on Modern Programming

C++ has shaped modern programming more than we might realize. Its balance between being fast and feature-rich makes it highly sought after. It’s the top choice in areas such as gaming, finance, and scientific research, where speed is everything.

The consistent updates, thanks to its standardization, make sure that C++ keeps up with new technologies. C++ is known for promoting strong, adaptable ways of writing software, ensuring code safety. Its development shows a continuous effort to improve and excel in the programming world.


The history of C++ highlights its evolution and importance over the past four decades. Bjarne Stroustrup brought it to the world in 1979, including features that are now essential. These features, like classes, inheritance, abstraction, and polymorphism, make C++ widely used today.

In 1983, C++ was publicly introduced, known then as „C with classes.” This marks its journey from a basic language to a highly evolved one. Over time, through versions like C++98, C++11, and up to C++20, it has seen great advancements. These updates, maintained by ISO/IEC, keep C++ competitive and relevant in the tech industry.

Compared to Java and Python, C++ has its own strengths. It allows direct interaction with hardware, making it key for certain types of projects. While Java and Python excel in other areas, C++ remains unrivaled in terms of speed and power. This makes it a top choice for certain developers.

Looking at C++’s journey, it is evident that its original designers and the community have made it what it is today. Being named the programming language of 2022 by the TIOBE Index shows its ongoing influence. With versions like C++23 soon to be released, its future looks promising. C++ will likely continue to be a major player in the programming field.


What is the history of C++?

The journey of C++ began in the 1970s with Bjarne Stroustrup. He started it to improve the C language for complex tasks. Since then, C++ has grown with updates to meet our modern needs. In 1998, ISO officially recognized it. The way C++ remains important shows its strong design.

Who created C++?

Bjarne Stroustrup, a Danish computer scientist, created C++. This was back in the 1970s. He wanted to bring in new ideas from Simula to make programming better.

What were the major milestones in the evolution of C++?

In the 1970s, it started as „C with Classes.” By 1983, it got its now-familiar name, C++. The first book about it, „The C++ Programming Language,” came in 1985. In 1998, it became a standard language.

C++ hasn’t stopped evolving. Updates like C++11, C++14, and C++17 keep making it better. These updates bring cool new tools and better performance.

Why was C++ created?

Stroustrup needed C++ for big simulations in the 1970s. The C language had limits for these tasks. So, he mixed in ideas from Simula to make a better way to program.

What are some key features introduced by C++?

Classes, inheritance, and encapsulation are key parts of C++. Polymorphism and type checking also play big roles. It has also added modern features over time. These additions include lambda expressions and multithreading support.

How has C++ maintained its relevance in modern programming?

C++ stays important by always getting better. It adds new features to keep up with modern needs. The community and its standards help C++ stay strong over time.

What are some applications of C++ in modern industries?

Modern industries use C++ in many areas. It powers games, trading systems, and more. C++ is a top choice for any job that needs to run fast and work closely with the hardware.

What is the significance of the standardization of C++?

In 1998, C++ became a standard with C++98. This made it a stable language for all systems. Standardization helped C++ grow by making sure it works well everywhere.

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