
Python vs. JavaScript: Fair Comparison Debate

05.06.2024, 6 minutes to read

Web developers and programmers often discuss the key differences between Python and JavaScript. Python was created in 1990, known for its simple design and ease of learning. At 29 years old, it has a strong following. On the other hand, JavaScript was born on December 4, 1995. It is widely considered in today’s world of […]

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Best JavaScript IDE/Editor for 2024 – Top Picks

05.06.2024, 9 minutes to read

Finding the best JavaScript editor is more important than ever. There are many to choose from, from simple free editors to complex, expensive ones. JavaScript is key in building what we see on the web, like native apps and progressive web applications. As the projects get larger, picking the right editor becomes crucial. Developers have […]

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Exploring the History of Linux: A Timeline

04.06.2024, 6 minutes to read

The Linux story starts in 1991. A Finnish student, Linus Torvalds, wanted a free operating system’s heart. This system now has over 23.3 million lines of source code thanks to Linus’ work. It’s a huge part of our technology world today. About 2.76% of personal computers use Linux. However, over 90% of the world’s top […]

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Explore the Evolution: History of Python

04.06.2024, 5 minutes to read

Python has a rich and fascinating history. It shows how the language grew since it kicked off in 1991. Guido van Rossum started Python as a fun project to fix ABC’s flaws. He wanted to make coding easier to read and more productive. Drawing from Monty Python’s Flying Circus, he named it Python. This shows […]

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Exploring the Evolution: History of C++

04.06.2024, 7 minutes to read

The story of C++ is key in the world of computer programming. It has stood the test of time, staying relevant. Even though new, simpler languages have emerged over time, C++ has remained important. It’s still strong in areas needing high performance and direct hardware access. This includes fields like embedded systems and finance. These […]

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DevOps Engineer Guide: Roles and Responsibilities

03.06.2024, 6 minutes to read

DevOps brings together software development and IT operations. It aims to boost productivity and make customers happier. DevOps engineers are key to making this happen. They break down barriers between development, testing, and support teams. DevOps engineers use automated tools, continuous integration, and deployment. These help fix process problems, making work smoother and customers happier. […]

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What Is Django and What Is Django Used for? | Python Web Framework

03.06.2024, 7 minutes to read

When it comes to making websites, many start with Django. It’s a Python tool known for being fast to use, simple to keep up, and safe. Django’s big update to version 5.0.6 shows it’s always improving. This Python magic has all you need, making life easier for everyone, including top-notch security. It fights off common […]

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Ext JS in 2024: Is It Still a Good Solution for Web Apps?

03.06.2024, 7 minutes to read

As we move into 2024, Ext JS remains a top choice among JavaScript frameworks. It stands out for creating web and mobile apps. Its wide use is thanks in part to over 140 UI components that work well on many browsers. The latest release, Ext JS 7.8, has made big improvements. Now, it works better […]

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2024 Programmatic Ad Trends: AdTech’s Future

02.06.2024, 9 minutes to read

The world of digital marketing is changing fast, with programmatic advertising leading the charge. Programmatic ads bring automation, precision, and better targeting to the table. Moving forward to 2024, the bar is set high for adtech’s evolution, driven by new tech. We expect to see big growth in digital ads, especially those using AI to […]

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